International Journal of Environmental Research & Clean Energy


The Journal of Environmental Research & Clean Energy (IJERCE) with ISSN: 2502-3888 is an online professional journal which is published by the International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -scientists and engineers- (ISOMAse), Insya Allah, four volumes in a year which is January, April, July and October.

The journal, Environmental Research & Clean Energy (IJERCE), seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge on the various topics of Environment & Clean energy and innovative and new integrated clean energy solutions for the publication of important, very high quality, agenda-setting research relating to Environment & clean energy.

IJERCE, is an international academic, a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and open access journal which covers all areas of environment & clean energy. It is hoped that this journal will prove to be an important factor in raising the standards of discussion, analysis, and evaluations relating to clean energy and environment programs .

The IJERCE is particularly concerned with the demonstration of applied science and innovative engineering solutions to solve environemntal problems and clean energy. Original contributions providing insight into the use of solar energy conversion and photovoltaics, solar thermal and architecture, wind and wave, tide and ocean thermal energies, Hydrogen Storage and (Bio) Hydrogen Production and so on.

Terms & Conditions

Articles preferably should be focused on the following aspects: new methods or theory or philosophy, innovative practices, critical survey or analysis of a subject or topic, new or latest research findings and critical review or evaluation of new discoveries.

The authors are required to confirm that their paper has not been submitted to any other journals in English or any other languages.

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